Stories written by Life

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  • Understanding needs for better patient outcomes

    Marilen Pascasio’s introduction to healthcare started long before her employment in B. Braun. “I was a nurse for a time,” Malen, now a Professional Hospital Representative, shares. “I saw firsthand how necessary it is for healthcare practitioners (HCPs) to have access to products that help improve the quality of healthcare patients receive.”

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  • Growing through meaningful work

    Like many bright-eyed, new graduates, Andre Santos entered the job force with the desire to make a positive impact in people’s lives. Evaluating his skills made him realize he is best suited to a sales role. “I am extroverted and love being with people. I was class president in school and I’m naturally very good at making conversations. I figured a career in sales is the right path for me.”

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  • Redefining engagement during COVID-19

    Your Time to Develop is a series of stories from B. Braun Philippines, highlighting employee development during COVID-19 pandemic.

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